2007年12月3日 外電翻譯 About 190 nations met on Monday (December 3) under pressure to sharpen the fight against climate change by involving outsiders such as the United States and China in a long-term U.N.-led pact. "Climate change will threaten our ability to meet the millennium goals and to lift our countries from the scars of poverty. Climate change must form an integral part of sustainable economic development and it is critical that we act and we act now," said Indonesian Environment Minister Rachmat Witular. The European Union, which has pledged to cut emissions by 20 percent below 1990 levels by 2020, said that countries should start to look at hard new commitments in Bali. The United States, which has set no ceiling on emissions, says Kyoto is flawed because it excludes developing nations from legally binding emissions cuts. But China and India, among the world's top polluters and comprising more than a third of humanity, say it's unfair and unrealistic for them to agree to targets, particularly as they try to lift millions out of poverty. They say emissions from rich nations are responsible for the bulk of man-made greenhouse gas pollution to date and those nations should take the lead in fighting climate change. Publicly, at least, China and the United States say they will be open and flexible at Bali.
來自190個國家的代表星期一(12月3日)在印尼峇里島會面,討論全球暖化議題,並計畫將原先未加入的中、美等主要溫室氣體排放國納入。大約有1萬名的各國代表聚集在印尼峇里島,希望透過協商的方式,擬定一份全球暖化公約的藍圖,並計畫在2009年制定新的聯合國氣候條約,取代京都議定書。這項計畫希望能號召世界上所有的國家共同達成協定,包括從美、中等最大的溫室氣體排放國到排放量最少卻受害最深的撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲國家。 過去幾年來,氣候變遷的議題已經陷入誰要來支付新技術的費用,以及富裕國家與貧窮國家之間該如何分擔排放限制造成的成本。大部分的與會國家不希望因為強制限制氣體排放量,使該國經濟發展受到限制。但是氣候專家指出,時間已經快要來不及了。
這次會議的目標是希望能制定新的氣候公約,取代京都議定書。目前只有36個工業國家在京都議定書中承諾於2012年以前降低溫室氣體排放量。美國以及開發中國家都沒有簽定京都議定書。印尼環境部長維托勒(Rachmat Witular)說:“氣候變遷將威脅我們達成千禧年目標,使我們無法脫離貧困。氣候變遷的議題必須成為經濟發展的一部分,我們現階段所作的決定和採取的行動都至關重要。”
After a year of intense climate diplomacy, about 10,000 delegates at the U.N. talks in Bali, Indonesia, met to try to start negotiations on a "roadmap" that will lead to a broad U.N. pact by late 2009 to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. The trick is to find the magic formula that gets every nation on board, from the biggest emitters such as the United States and China to the smallest and most vulnerable, such as tropical island states or sub-Saharan African nations.
Over the past years, climate change talks have been bogged down by arguments over who's going to pay the bill for cleaner technology and how to share out the burden of emissions curbs between rich and poor nations. The bottom line is no nation at the Bali talks wants its economy to suffer by implementing strict emissions curbs. But climate scientists say time is running out. The Bali gathering aims find a way to update or replace the Kyoto Protocol, which binds 36 industrial countries to emissions curbs between 2008-12. The United States and developing nations have no caps under Kyoto.
- Dec 05 Wed 2007 02:01